Friday, 12 October 2018

The Influence of Popular Performers on The Political Sphere

Over the last year, since the autumn of 2017, I have been studying for a further year at the University of Kent, in Canterbury. Having completed my undergraduate degree in Drama and Theatre, with Upper Second Class Honours, I decided to stay on and do an MA in Theatre Making.

Towards the end of this MA, I wrote my first ever dissertation (having opted not to write one during my undergraduate degree). This was months of particularly gruelling work, with heavy research and reading into a variety of topics and subjects, albeit ones that I loved.

I decided to write this dissertation on "The Influence of Popular Performers On The Political Sphere." I have long been fascinated with the world of politics, and in recent years I have been fascinated by the potential effect of comedians, musicians, and other types of 'popular performers' have on the world of politics. Hence, I decided to write about that as my topic.

On the 31st August 2018, I submitted the longest single piece of work I've ever written. Despite the stress of it, and not knowing what my lecturers would think, I was immensely proud of it. After blood, sweat, tears and a few all-nighters, I had finally completed my dissertation, and with it, my MA degree. 

This week, I received my marks back for my Dissertation. The feedback from my lecturers who marked it was overwhelmingly positive, and I was delighted.

I got a mark of 72 - a First! It's one of the highest mark of my entire MA, and meant that I got a first overall for my Dissertation module, averaging at a 70.

As a result, I will be officially graduating next month, for the second time, on Friday 23rd November, 2018. I will be leaving the University of Kent, where I achieved an undergraduate and Master's degree, with a 2:1 overall in both, and a string of individual Firsts for modules and assignments along the way.

Anyway, particularly with the vindication of the marks and feedback, I'd now love to share this Dissertation with you. As I say, it's the longest single piece of work I've ever written, at around 13,500 words. There are 3 chapters, an introduction, and a conclusion. But it's up here now, for anyone that wants to read it. For anyone interested in politics (stand-up comedy, grime music or any and all of the above, then you're (hopefully) in for a treat.

(P. S. - In the dissertation, I try to explain Antonio Gramsci's ideas as simply as I can. But if you're having trouble with getting your head around them, then I'd really recommend this article by Georege Eaton: It places the ideas in a modern context and explains them nice and simply, so might be of particular use in Chapter 2.)

Anyway, enjoy!